Blender Ikan Bilis
Ada orang goreng dahulu. Buy the right anchovies - go for the smallest ones. Its easier to clean and can be used as gardening tool and not the kitchen. Blender ikan bilis . Or you could always ask the seller. Add rice spinach soy sauce and salt. Blend into milky fish stock. Next sangai ikan bilis dalam kuali. Tuangkan pula telur yang telah digoreng tadi dan garam secukupnya. Blender all ingredients that need to be blended 2. Jan 08 2021 Masukkan ikan bilis. Masak lama lama dengan api perlahan sehingga naik minyak dan masak. I use my Tefal blender to grind the ikan bilis into a fine powder and add a. Ever since finding out about this Ive included ikan bilis into Baby Dozers diet. Break the eggs and mix with all ingredients that stir fry 4. You can also use a pestle and mortar though itll take a longer time. Masukkan bahan kisar dan kacau sehingga wangi. But I was wary of the amount of salt in dried ikan bilis hence I didnt get E started on it. Sambal...